Supernatural Horror

Supernatural Horror

Main Plot Conventions:
These films tend to focus on death. An extraordinary phenomenon, possession, exploration of witchcraft, vampires and other forms of demonic creature. These films heavily incorporate elements of the evil or the afterlife in the living. The force attacks and scares a human and it should psychologically scare the audience by making them believe the storyline. Quite often these are based on ‘true events’.

The location is conventionally an area of isolation, away from busy populated areas so no one is available to help the victims within the scenario. Usually filmed in a haunted, desolate or abandoned facility to play on the audiences childlike fears however it can also be filmed in areas that are more familiar to the public as this causes them to feel more under threat once leaving the theater e.g. Paranormal Activity or The Strangers.

The lighting should be low key to make enhance fear and anxiety as it plays on the innocent fear of the dark experienced by most children. Lighting may only come generically from a torch, candle,  nightlight, the moon and in more modern interpretations infra red/night vision cameras.

The Camera:
Camera technique is conventionally a handheld camera effect whereby the filming becomes shaky and less clear to give the impression of realism. Often the use of low angles and restricted vision is also used as it enhances the shock when something frightening is finally revealed. The Blair Witch Project was the first example of a iconic horror film whereby handheld camera techniques created the films iconic style.

The Sound:
Diegetic: Conventional sounds of screaming, fast breathing and banging of doors and windows create moments of panic between long periods of silence. This not only enhances fear but also with the use of character whispering enhances the viewers hearing so when a loud noise does happen it heightens shock. Non Diegetic: The trailer will often feature a voice over or sound clips from the film, this is to build up the audiences ideas of what is to be expected from the film. Music is added to create tension and pace through the use of quickening tempo, most frequently music is orchestral  and bangs are amplified at moments of alarm.

– Charlotte, Deanna, Danie

Example below is a clip from Paranormal activity whereby night vision and a familiar family setting creates a sense of realism and danger.

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