The Shining Research

The_Shining_posterTechnical Features of The Shining

This image shows the technical features that we annotated for the trailer of ‘The Shining’.

Link to ‘The Shining’ trailer:

‘The Shining’ is an authentic supernatural horror made in 1980. We have researched into this film as it was one of the leading supernatural horror’s of the time and we will later research into more modern supernatural horrors to show that the genre is a continuing and popular genre. Also, this research will show how the films have developed and the codes and conventions that have been continued throughout the films.

The plot of ‘The Shining’ is that a family of three; parents and son, are caretakers at a holiday hotel. Whilst at the hotel, the father has cabin fever and deteriorates into poor mental state, inheriting telepathic powers allowing him to see the hotel’s past and have former guests of the hotel, in spirit form, speak to him. These ghosts further prod the father into insanity, trying to ‘mend’ the family, turning extremely violent.


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