Actress for the role of Mary-Ann


Kiera Harrington is almost 5 years old and carries conventions of the typical innocent little girl, perfect for the role of Mary-Anne, whose character is designed to be especially innocent even within her acts of revenge. From this image it is obvious the Miss Harrington is not camera shy, will be confident in presenting herself on screen and she is able to follow instruction well (something known to be a challenge when working with child actors). A consent form will be given to her parent/guardian to make sure she is able to attend filming and her parent/gaurdian has agreed to what their child will involved with while filming.

We as a group thought the idea of a female child being the lead in the film would be effective as previous well renouned horror films such as the Orphan, The Shining and Cabin in the Woods feature female characters of a young age being the lead role of fear within the film. This was a concept justified within our focus group questions where 90% agreed that the use of young children creates a hightened level of anxiety and fear. Most likely because it plays upon the theory of the dinural (childhood being assosiated with innocence for an example) becoming the nocturnal.

Deanna & Charlotte

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