Location: The House In The Film


This is the lounge, it has a classic fireplace and colour scheme.


The snooker room in the house is very old-fashioned, the wood around the edge of the room gives a classic look to the room. This will most likely be the focus room for a lot of the darker psychological aspects of the film that focus around the male lead, this connotations of the room being a snooker room add to this sense of male dominance.


As you can see the furniture in the dining area is also wood which makes it look very old-fashioned. Conventional of horror movies.


The hallway is more modern so if we use this area of the house in the trailer it will assure the audience that it is a more modern film.


The stairway is also modern, stairways are often used in horrors when representing quick flashes of shadows or figures either at the top or bottom. Stairs carry this connotation of decent into the unknown, especially at night.

Deanna & Charlotte (edited)

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