Trailer Script

1. *Handheld footage of mother and father* Margaret: ‘Our perfect family’

2. Margaret: ‘Smile Mary-Anne!’ *Videos Mary-Anne on the climbing frame*

3. *Handheld of parents* Margaret kisses William on the cheek.

4. Mary-Anne: ‘Mum look at me’

5. Margaret: ‘Mary-Anne, no!’ Margaret runs into the road with a cutaway of screeching tyres. This is followed by a close-up of a hand dropping to the floor.

(Fades to black)

6. William is sat in the darkness looking over wedding pictures drinking alcohol. He smashes his bottle.

7. A sledgehammer is being dragged through the forest followed by a shot of the sledgehammer hitting close to the camera.

8. Tracking shots of William running through the wood and a close up of William’s feet running (he is panicked).

9. William splashes his face with water and sees a red balloon in the reflection of the mirror.

10. Mary-Anne: ‘I hate you daddy’

11. William stood on a ledge: ‘Why are you doing this to me?!’

12. Extreme close-up of William shaking a door handle as if unable to open.

13. Shadow of Mary-Anne at the window with a red balloon.

14. Long shot of Mary-Anne skipping through the woods singing ‘Mary had a little lamb’

15. Overlay of title (Mary-Anne)

Deanna and Charlotte

4/12/13 – When it came to actually editing the trailer we found that some sections of the script did not flow well with the mood of the trailer and others were to dangerous to film in the first place especially around young children. For example the broken glass and the ledge scene.

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